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Victorian Vaccination Blitz for residential aged care workers

Victorian vaccination blitz

Yesterday, Sunday 22 August 2021, the Victorian Government announced a residential aged care workforce blitz to allow Victorians working in high-risk settings to get vaccinated with ease.

Residential aged care workers will be provided with priority access to COVID-19 vaccination through all Victorian vaccination clinics from Monday 23 August until Sunday 29 August 2021.

Action required:

  1. Please provide proof of eligibility to all your eligible employees, contractors and volunteers as soon as possible. It is vital they receive this letter as a digital or printed copy is one option for proof of eligibility at the vaccination centre.
    1. A letter for proof of eligibility, provided by VIC Health, has been sent by the department to all residential aged care facilities. Where possible please use this letter.
    2. You can also provide your workers with the department’s letter template as proof of employment or declaration form – both of which will also be accepted.
  2. If you would like to arrange group vaccination of your workforce at a state vaccination centre, please complete the registration of interest. Further information on group bookings is attached.

When your workforce is vaccinated, they protect themselves, the people they support, and their own families and loved ones.

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